API Documentation


To check if a Steam User or Username has voted or not, and if the vote has been claimed or not. This can be used for a reward plugin. The API will only check for the last 24 hours.
URL https://arma3-servers.net/api/?object=votes&element=claim&key={ServerKey}&steamid={SteamID}
URL https://arma3-servers.net/api/?object=votes&element=claim&key={ServerKey}&username={Username}
Parameter Description Data Type Required
key Your Server API Key String Yes
steamid 64bit SteamID of the user Integer Yes
username Username of the voter String (Case insensitive) Yes
identifier Used to get a unique ID for the output. Output will be in JSON format when used. String No
Response Description
0 Not found
1 Has voted and not claimed
2 Has voted and claimed
To set a vote as claimed for a Steam User or Username. This can be used for a reward plugin. The API will only set vote as claimed in the last 24 hours.
URL https://arma3-servers.net/api/?action=post&object=votes&element=claim&key={ServerKey}&steamid={SteamID}
URL https://arma3-servers.net/api/?action=post&object=votes&element=claim&key={ServerKey}&username={Username}
Parameter Description Data Type Required
key Your Server API Key String Yes
steamid 64bit SteamID of the user Integer Yes
username Username of the voter String (Case insensitive) Yes
identifier Used to get a unique ID for the output. Output will be in JSON format when used. String No
Response Description
0 Vote has not been claimed
1 Vote has been claimed
To get the list of voters for your server. Limited to the top 1000 results.
Output is cached for 3 minutes.
URL https://arma3-servers.net/api/?object=servers&element=voters&key={ServerKey}&month={Period}&format={Format}
Parameter Value Description Data Type Required
key xxxxxxxx Your Server API Key String Yes
month current | previous Period to get String Yes
format json | xml | html Format of the response String Yes
limit xxx Result limit. Max value is 1000. Default value is 100. Integer No
rank nickname | steamid Rank voters by nickname or steamid. Default value is nickname String No
To get the list of votes for your server. Limited to the last 1000 results.
Output is cached for 3 minutes.
URL https://arma3-servers.net/api/?object=servers&element=votes&key={ServerKey}&format={Format}
Parameter Value Description Data Type Required
key xxxxxxxx Your Server API Key String Yes
format json | xml | html Format of the response String Yes
limit xxx Result limit. Max value is 1000. Default value is 100. Integer No
nickname xxxxx Return all the votes for the provided nickname. String No
steamid xxxxx Return all the votes for the provided steamid. Integer No
To get the full detail of your server in json format. Can be used to create your own status page for example.
Output is cached for 3 minutes.
URL https://arma3-servers.net/api/?object=servers&element=detail&key={ServerKey}
Parameter Value Description Data Type Required
key xxxxxxxx Your Server API Key String Yes