CodeFourGaming - King of the Hill US#4 - Infantry

Server Information
Hostname CodeFourGaming - King of the Hill US#4 - Infantry
Status Checked <1 minute ago
Players 110 / 115
Location Canada
Version 2.18.152405
Platform Windows
Map Altis
Registered since August 16th, 2020 02:05 AM EST
Tag(s) Dedicated
Vote(s) 0
Rank 91
Score 2
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

110 Online Players

xWatchThizx, Trioxide, Jake, [Josh], Jay, CPT C. QUINN [2-160th], Killerou, talutah chua, Brandon, Nightmare, Killaplabo, mixko, guynate99, Sp3ct3r486, ZaX, alext, SceneJinx, Nikita, Who This?, hueyb, jonat, Korfa Dalmar, master, dr. errl‎, SHIGGYDIGGY, Frede, Cleber, Nahann, Arnie, ......Rich Strike......, april [Hweeo], Mathew Harris, Myrtle [Hweeo], Robert Davies, One-Eye, Why? [Peace], Mickael Tux [Tux], Salty, ***Apexer***, ModafocaNEV, racman, Juan, hollow, k1ng, SKINNY, Orlando [420], brian, zachk, isaac, Amon, Benjideaula, Sadness [-H.M.B.E-], Donny Stinkfart, Leru, HeyMrToot, Zerk, Baskin, tytro, levan, Zelix, LuisH, BLITSIE [BLEH], kenor [DUCK], BOBLEE SWAGGAG, T0XX!C [anonymous], ChickenWing, xmap, SCooPEDoo-, uncleSAM, SKINNY (2), Sosig Whisperer, ianhu, Whisper, Kimz, aron_, TheBaconator2121, Booty, uzzzkiy, IiiiiI, mmods, Benni Bongbauer, splat, johnbeastmode, Paco Ramirez, Leipatori, дмб 90, oskar, Jannik Brunck [FW], cole, NitroPC, Cody, Суворов, cy, Csr, zombi, I Am Worse Than U [TRG], tanne, HoldMyBeer [WRC], Sylva, Colossal CoC Carl, Gods PLanB, Aggro, HyperSense, Remy Giroux, Thimo, Terry, Blaxwell [YTB], jenk3m_bott1e, petko, Atlantis