[SG] Exile Chernarus 20k|Kits|Loot+|BaseSpawn|XP System|PVP|

Server Information
Hostname [SG] Exile Chernarus 20k|Kits|Loot+|BaseSpawn|XP System|PVP|Wag
Status Checked 2 minutes ago
Players 7 / 70
Location United Kingdom
Version 2.18.152746
Platform Windows
Map Chernarus_Isles
Website https://www.spartangaming.co.uk/
Registered by Sean19
Registered since May 9th, 2023 02:03 PM EST
Last update May 9th, 2023 02:03 PM EST
Tag(s) Dedicated
Vote(s) 0
Rank 75
Score 3
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

List of server features:

- XP System with loads of perks to choose from.
- Kit selection respawn menu. Different tiers and categories to choose from based on respect.
- Custom made "Base Camera" system with damaging and naming cameras.
- Uniquely created map edits. (Military areas, Airfields ect..)
- Lots of new/edited missions with custom loot.
- Advanced Urban Rappelling with the ability to shoot.
- Advanced Sling Loading.
- Ship wrecks that spawn each restart.
- Claim mission vehicles using a code lock.
- Daily rewards everyone 24hrs.
- Crate loading and selling using "Crate Storage" option.
- Vehicle towing.
- Inmate Market. Sell your own items for your own prices.
- Loadout Trader at Safe Zones.
- Custom made hacking raiding system.
- Revive party members.
- Vector building.
- Discord PVP leaderboard with rewards each server restart.
- Inmate Wages. Earn Poptabs while playing.
- XM8 Territory Management app. Allow you to customise your territory at any time.
- Searching function in traders with 3D preview and a Sell All button.
- Vehicle tuning shop. Allows extreme vehicle customization. Such as Chrome, 2 Tone & RGB paint. Neon under-glow.
- Custom made Virtual Garage for ease of use! Better than Exile's default!
- Airfield virtual garage for air vehicles.
- Vehicle and base painting.
- Ability to turn off the environment sounds using 9.
- Safe Zone protection against thieves.
- Incoming missile warning on all air vehicle.
- Anti-Mine zones to prevent abuse.
- Base Spawning with a cooldown.
- Thermal has been disabled on everything.
- Ability to get in DLC vehicles with DLCs you do not own.
- Lock vehicles from the interior.
- Custom killfeed that can be toggled on/off.
- Arma default HUD that can be toggled on/off.
- Halo jump from any air vehicle without the need of a parachute.
- Customizable stats bar.
- Plenty of custom XM8 apps.

7 Online Players

Zergus, yosia, RyZe, Roocool, Frosteig, Red John, HoMp^