Server Information
Hostname Olympus #1: Altis Life : HOUSING|CARTELS|VIGILANTE
Status Checked 2 minutes ago
Players 89 / 155
Location Canada
Version 2.18.152520
Platform Windows
Map Altis
Registered since July 4th, 2024 02:19 AM EST
Tag(s) Dedicated
Vote(s) 0
Rank 1979
Score 2
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

89 Online Players

Kane, ChoccyMan, Options [WW], Ecstasy Eater, alexm [Lowtac], D Money$, ZODI, JooBerBooBer, Betty White, Ughhhhhhhwhatttt, logan, dmosk, bridg, Brock, bussin on the crates, EDGel, Gabizinha 157, xererecoptero, Rebolation, sex enhuzst, taylo, Fisher, corri, Bruski, Bubonico, david, SirMitchTheThird, Daetrael Gervontae Green, luhcurrykeepaswitch, Trump24, Dusty, Secret Agent, Rico Delgado [LAPD], Blue (2), Nephew, THE CHOP CHEESE GET BACK, Huxley, Raven, bbl connoisseur, SpoiledMilk, BACKGAMMON, Kalebk, Highland, Be fr rn, Baba EL Chavoooo, IcedEspresso, plz dont rob me, yduJ, Felix, MLVN, ur on the rape list, morga [#1brit], HELP ME, Aztrunawt, Bootiful, Tap, Brody, schwe, ChoppaWW, sus, TurK [TTF], Mo, OJ Simpson, glickman7, DONALD TRUMP, Disputer Don Douche, Artie Lange [Pussy], Scribble, Dua, GirthQuake McShitPickle, thats called cow tipping, JungleBoys, Garfield La Szechuan, Lapr0, Jordan, kara, Blake, PapaEric, Cum Commander, f90, Mr Pepa, Bib, eZee, Family, Brunellus, Kev, cooldoce [BD], CoffeeTea [MEDIC], erenk