*[RU] - King of the Hill - WS.ARMA.SU - #2

Server Information
Hostname  *[RU] - King of the Hill - WS.ARMA.SU - #2
Status Checked 2 minutes ago
Players 95 / 100
Location Russia
Version 2.16.152017
Platform Windows
Map Altis
Registered since July 17th, 2022 02:15 AM EST
Tag(s) Dedicated
Vote(s) 1
Rank 40
Score 4
Favorited 2
Discussion(s) 0

95 Online Players

Johnny1949, USer (2), Yappietouch, ZLaK, чЁрНыЙ_чАй, MarlborO, Sniperboy86, Ст. Сержант Кузнецов, BuRyat, Cerber, XUANYA fan, kapayh, KAXA_YouTube, чин чопа [ILAN], BERENDEI, ☢️☢️☣️✝️KаЙфАрИк, Riko Nik, Akula [omnomgroup], Cekitarahi [NoDblStack], DEXP, Mr.Tryp, 86132, Luyibao, Franco Montes., L1gam, СОКОЛ-1, BaoBiao [AF], cravy, poshlipop, Matte Fedorov, [UZB] 1fps, Fargra, Stosha Govnozadov, Buggs_Bunny, Home, EVG, Ballistica [BO], Kaban, Radioctive, Артём Викторович, JUMBO, LacosteD, flextor, OGBushWookie, Paul Watson [ANR], хуй, YunusKILIÇ, Alex Merk, Konstantin, Роман [ВДВ], jerem, , ruslan, ItsBritneyBitch, Артем, СИГМА, Ганс, DoltorGan, josem, kiosk, SGT Wu [CUCKS], Alexander the Great, micha, YOU are vary stingy, Mosfet, [TURAN]YTspin, Tapok, птичка, KUBIK, Никон, Dexter [VF-31F], Propietario, Krvepustil, SuperMaker [TF220], Десантник [ВДВ], amezing, HEPBAK [ОСН-Витязь], shato, Cpt.PolyS, EastGeneral, r2d2, Tankist, БАНАН, Minner, Chapa, Orridias Felt [02], Christopher Hrusca, akkur, 79892 [KPSH], jebka, ГЕНДАЛЬФ [KPSH], Князь Мышкин, Mefistofel, Regis